Opening Dance - September 2016
Every year graduation comes around and every year we have to say goodbye to another class of students. It's always bittersweet. You can't help but see the stories that made up their journey to graduation day as they walk across the stage to accept their diplomas. Going in you have no idea what the time together will bring - laughter, tears, tough love moments, pep talks, and more. The journey with each student is different and you never really know if what you're doing is working. You question your effectiveness. You sigh and shake your head with frustration many times. You laugh with them about random and ridiculous life moments or musings. You cry with them during the tough times or poor decisions. You try to lift them up and to get them to believe in themselves. Sometimes you feel like you really messed it up, didn't do enough, or missed a moment that could have made all the difference. You tried too hard to protect them from themselves and other times you felt like you didn't try hard enough. You pushed them to be better versions of themselves. You watched them grow, learn, work, play, struggle and persevere. You gave them all your energy, insight and heart. You refused to give up. You cared for them almost like they're your own and then you returned them to their parents to continue their journey elsewhere. Next stop college. You hope they'll stay in touch and let you know how they're doing. Some will and some won't. You hope that you were helpful to them in some way and had a positive impact on their experience, but you'll never really know. You hope they're ready to take on the world, pursue their dreams, take good risks, and help others. You hope they'll carry their lessons learned forward as they continue to forge their own paths in the storybook of their life. When it's all said and done, what you know for sure is what you learned from them, how they challenged you to be better, and how they impacted your life. And just like that, they're gone and the journey begins with anew with the next class of students. So thank you Class of 2017, until our paths cross again. And to the Class of 2019, our journey together starts this fall; See you then!.
Graduation Day - May 2017