Wednesday, December 20, 2017

My One Word for 2018 is ...

2017 was a year of ups, downs, and all-arounds. My days were filled with love, laughter, tears, and friendship. It wasn't a perfect year, but what year is and who really wants the unattainable perfect anyway? Fun, growth, and learning comes from imperfect moments and from our imperfect selves and I'm cool with that. 

In 2017, my one word was PATIENCE, a word I will continue to carry with me as I enter 2018. I kick off this new year with hope, positivity, gratitude, and my new one word: E•N•C•O•U•R•A•G•E.

In 2018, I will strive to ...

Encourage my students to strike a balance between always grinding it out to get to the next level and living in the moment while being their best selves. 

Encourage my son to continue to grow and to stay uniquely and unapologetically himself. 

Encourage my family and friends to go after their dreams and embrace the good in their lives. 

Encourage more listening and curiosity because there is so much we can learn from each other. 

Encourage positivity. 

Encourage love

Encourage truth. 

Encourage authenticity. 

Encourage passion. 

Be encouraged about the future and all the possibilities it holds. 

Encourage also contains the word courage and so I want to embrace that part of the word too. In 2018, may I have the ...

Courage to take risks

Courage to embrace new experiences and opportunities

Courage to create. 

Courage to be vulnerable. 

Courage to push myself to be better than I was yesterday. 

Courage to speak up for what's right. 

Courage to stand up for what I believe in and for others. 

Courage to say yes. 

Courage to get back up after knock downs, setbacks, and disappointments. 

Courage to do things that scare (not terrify) me and grow from those experiences. 

Courage to be unapologetically me. 

Happy 2018! Let's live it courageously!

And that's a wrap...2017 Highlights

As we close out the year, it's important to look back on how we lived our year. We should be asking ourselves, did we practice kindness every day? Were we present in our lives? Did we take risks? Did we step out of our comfort zones? Did we laugh and did we cry? Did we stand up for what we believe in? Did we speak up enough? Did we listen enough? Did we stay true to who we are? Did we strive to be better each day?

As I reflect on these questions of the past year, I also smile at some of my highlights and moments of living I did in 2017. Below are just a few of the more notable ones. 

  • My son had his first foray into standing up for what you believe in as we attended the Women's March in Hartford. 
  • I watched 7 out of 9 of the Best Picture nominees (this is the most I've seen pre-Oscars ever) 
  • I presented for the first time at the NAIS Annual Conference as the culminating project for my Aspiring Heads Fellowship. My cohort group was very proud of presentation (as is evident by our group photo below).
  • I was installed as a new mom into the Greater Hartford chapter of Jack and Jill of America. 
  • We got away as a family and spent some time in Narragansett, RI. Nothing beats time at the beach. 
  • After a gazillion superhero movies (and remakes), I finally got a Wonder Woman movie during my lifetime. 
  • My husband and I took in lunch and a show in NYC as we finally saw Hamilton: The Musical on Broadway. 
  • My son and I continued our activism by attending West Hartford's Walk in Solidarity with Charlottesville. 
  • I finally made it to the Dominican Republic for the first time (despite having lived in Haiti for two years when I was younger) to celebrate my brother Vincent's nuptials. 
  • As an avid Ted Talk fan, I finally attended my first Ted event - TedxHartford. It was pretty cool and perhaps one day I'll have the courage and inspiration to do one myself. 
  • I turned 40 and stayed fabulous 😜

2017 was a pretty good year. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't perfect and there were some difficult moments, but I choose to embrace the positive. I look forward to seeing what 2018 has in store for me. Happy New Year!

Lessons from Cars 3: Driven To Win

Recently, I was traveling and needed a movie to help pass the time. So what does one do when they've seen all, but one of the movies offered inflight? Yup, you watch the one you haven't yet seen. In my case, that meant Cars 3 was the natural and only choice. Now, full disclosure, I did not have high hopes for the "threequel". However, I was pleasantly surprised. Not only did I enjoy the storyline, but I walked with lessons I can apply to my life as a mom and as a dean.

1. Sometimes you have to believe in someone even when they don't believe in themselves. Not every child or student can see their own potential. It is in those moments that you need to see it for them, believe in them more than they believe in themselves, and invest, encourage, and cheer them on.

2. Each person responds to different types of encouragement. So it's our job as mentors, leaders, or parents to pay attention and find out what motivates our students and our children. You have to look for those ways to connect and understand how to best encourage them so they can reach their full potential.

3. There are mentors and there are sponsors. Both add value. Mentors encourage, advise, coach, and cheer you on. Sponsors make a way for you; they can help get you into the race.

4. There is so much joy, happiness, and fulfillment in helping lift up those who come after you. Legacies are not just built on what you've done, but on what you've done for and inspired in others without wanting anything in return, but to see them succeed.

Courtesy: Disney Pixar