When you haven’t been new for a while, you almost forget what it feels like to be the new kid. You’ve been comfortable knowing your way around, understanding how things get done and the why behind it, and knowing people’s names. You had it down and even knew what to do when over the course of the year, but things have changed. You are back to being the newbie. What a nervously exciting time.
Starting over requires patience, mainly with oneself. You must take things one day at a time, ask lots of questions, and trust that you will begin to make sense of it all at some point. It’s also important to remember that no one expects you to know it all from the beginning, including mastering several hundred names. It just takes time.
So, this is what I am reminding myself as I enter the third week of school and the third month on the job. Being new is not easy. You miss knowing how things work, familiar routines, and familiar faces. You miss understanding the people around you. You don’t know what to expect because you haven’t lived a full year in your new surroundings or job, but it’s okay. Soon enough I’ll have experienced my first of many events and traditions rendering them no longer unknown entities to me.
While being new is not a cake walk, it is something I have done quite a bit in my life. I guess you could say that I am pretty comfortable being uncomfortable navigating new places, people, and situations. So, here’s to patience, time, a few missteps, and that moment when you realize you’re no longer the new kid (and can’t use that excuse anymore).