Sunday, May 10, 2020

On this Mother’s Day...

Mother’s Day is one on which we honor our mothers for all that they have done for us - the love, nurturing, sacrifice, opportunities and lessons. Sometimes, we don’t even know the lessons we are learning until much later. From my mother, I learned about the power of one’s voice and strength during times of adversity. My mom has always known what she’s stood for and used her voice as a civil rights activist, as a U.S. civil servant, as a U.S. Foreign Service officer and as a black woman in so many spaces that were, at times, overtly or covertly unwelcoming. She’s never shied away from speaking up and speaking out. She has always been unapologetically herself. She knew she had a responsibility when she was in the room and at the table. She showed strength during times like 9/11 and vulnerable strength during the loss of her parents, her sister and the unexpected health event of her first son (my brother). My mother has shown me how to get back up when you’ve been knocked down.

From her mom, my mom learned strength, the importance of community, the value of education and to not anyone dim your light or make you feel small. My grandmother was not a college graduate, but she was wise, warm and no joke nonetheless.

I am the daughter of Claudia, daughter of Louise. I couldn’t be more proud to stand on the shoulders of so many amazing and strong black women.

"We can't afford to wait for the world to be equal to start feeling seen...You’ve got to find the tools within yourself to start to feel visible and to be heard and to use your voice." - Michelle Obama

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