Tuesday, September 6, 2016

An Every Day Survival Kit To Kick Off Senior Year

It's hard to know what will resonate with your students or what won't. While I may never know how the "every day survival kit" I gave to my RAs and prefects when we started training earlier this week landed with them, I truly believe that what the contents represent are good reminders for them as students, as leaders and as people. So I hope my seniors pay attention to the life lessons those  small tokens in the "kit" represent.

Lollipop: To help you lick your problems.
We have all faced some sort of setback or defeat. It may have been something major or  minor. Either way, once we have taken the time to heal and bounce back, we need to get back in the game. Wallowing in self-pity, blame, or defeat serves no one. And if one is having a hard time bouncing back on their own, turn to friends, family, or other resources for support. Sometimes we need a little help pulling ourselves back up.

Toothpick: To remind you to pick out the good qualities in others.
We know that we will not click with every one, but it's so important to try and see the good in everyone. We all have something of value to offer and if we don't stop to recognize that we may miss the  unique gifts of those around us.

Rubber Band: To remind you to be flexible, things might not always go the way you want, but they will work out.
How many times have we planned something out so perfectly only to have it not go as plan? When this happens, we need to be able to roll with it, adapt, and, at times, change course. I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. We may not always know that reason at the time, but hopefully we will be better and stronger for it. Things may even turn out better than you planned.

Band Aid: To remind you to heal hurt feelings, yours or someone else's.
We will get hurt along the way and we may hurt others along the way (unintentionally and possibly intentionally). It is so important that when the time calls for it to either let it go, forgive oneself, and/or apologize. Different situations will call for different things. We need to make sure we acknowledge when we have hurt someone and to sincerely apologize to them for our actions and/or our words. Also, we need to remember that saying "I was just kidding" is not an apology.

Pencil: To remind you to list your blessings every day.
We are so lucky. We are blessed with amazing family, friends, experiences, and opportunities. However, with all the wonderful things in our life, it is still easy to get sucked into a negative abyss. When we're in that place mentally we need to take a time out to remember that even through the challenges of life, we learn. The good and the bad teach us something. We have to make sure that we are open to seeing and learning from all the lessons along the way.

Eraser: To remind you that every one makes mistakes and it is ok.
We all make mistakes. The question is what will we do to correct that mistake and what will we learn from that mistake. We can't let the fear of making a mistake keep us from even trying. And as Lucy Maud Montgomery wrote in one of my favorite books, Anne of Green Gables, "isn't it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day without any mistakes in it yet?"

Tootsie Roll: To remind you to roll with the punches.
We can't plan for everything and curve balls will be thrown our way. When they are thrown or when we need to change direction, we must be willing to adapt and follow what may be a new glorious path.

Gum: To remind you to stick with it and you can accomplish anything.
There are so many times when we want to give up and thrown in the towel, but how amazing are things we accomplish when we don't.

Mint: To remind you that you are worth a mint.
We all bring value to our communities and to our families. We can never take that for granted. 

Candy Kiss: To remind you that everyone needs a compliment or a hug every day.
Pay attention to those around you who could benefit from a little but of kindness. It does not need to be a grand sweeping gesture. It can be a simple act of kindness like holding the door, saying good morning, and offering a smile. You just never know what difference you can make in someone's life with one small act.

Snickers: To remind you that laughter IS the best medicine.
A good 15 minute laugh can burn 10-15 calories a day. I am not one for counting calories, but it does sounds like a good hearty laugh does your body good. Can't argue with research.

Tea Bag: To remind you relax daily and reflect on all the positive things in your life.
We all need to take a moment to slow down, just breathe and practice a little bit of self-care and self-compassion.

In the end, the survival kit is about perspective and about life. The reminders of how to approach every day and the curve balls that may be thrown at us can serve many of us well. Even if you can't remember to use this as a guide every day for every challenge, you can just pick one piece of the toolkit to help you tackle that one thing on that one day. Wishing all of my seniors an amazing year. I can't wait to make memories with them and to celebrate all their big and small victories.

Me and the Class of 2017

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