Today I turn the big 4-0 and in honor of kicking off a new decade of life, I am going to shed some layers and share 40 random things about me.
1. My zodiac sign is Scorpio and I embrace it. (side note: I have no desire to endure the pain of a tattoo, but if I did I'd get a Scorpio tattoo)
2. I have 3 siblings (older brother, older sister, young brother)
3. I do not eat chocolate candy due to a Halloween back when I was 8 years old and ate so much that it made me sick.
4. I love the movie Anne of Green Gables.
5. I used to eat Tang and loved it.
6. I won a elementary school dance competition when I was in kindergarten and chose an early Sugar Hill Gang album feat. Song Message II (Survival) as my prize.
7. I love doing (and solving) logic puzzles.
8. One of my childhood/teenage/early 20s dreams was to be a back up dancer for Janet Jackson.
9. A more realistic childhood dream is to become a published writer. One day.
10. I performed with a hip hop dance troupe that opened at the Oakdale in CT for platinum recording artist Brian McKnight.
11. I won a sports Emmy for our team's live turnaround of the Winter X Games.
12. I may have tried to give away my younger brother on more than one occasion.
13. Every holiday season I watch all the Hallmark movies new releases. #holidayspirit
14. I enjoy podcast for the personal and professional development opportunities they provide me.
15. I've lived in four different countries when I was growing up - US, Nigeria, Haiti, and Niger. All awesome and all influenced me!
16. Each year I try to read at least as many books as the age I'm turning.
17. I'm obsessed with the sport of volleyball. I love to play and watch it.
18. In 8th grade, I made the decision to be writer George Eliot (aka Mary Anne Evans) for Halloween. #totalfail
19. I'm a snob when it comes to certain foods, such as homemade Mac 'n cheese, Maryland steamed crabs, and air popped popcorn.
20. I have a book problem. I own a lot of books I have yet to read and ,yet, I'll still buy more when I learn about one that peaks my interests.
21. I love surprises - giving them and getting them.
22. Statement necklaces are the best. They can be just the pop of color or style I need to complete an outfit.
23. I'm a proud UVA alum. WaHooWa!
24. I used to try to repurpose parts of cards into new cards for resale when I was a kid. Not the most profitable, but I enjoyed using my receipt book.
25. I use to rock this gray suit when I was a kid and it made me feel like such a little bad-ass mini professional.
26. I collect postcards from places my friends, students, or I have been.
27. I love watching TV and put my DVR to good use.
28. Time at the beach is one of my self-care practices.
29. I miss recess. Four square and wall ball at AIS Lagos were the best.
30. Momcations are non-negotiable annual trips in my life.
31. Items on my bucket list: learn to swim, learn sign language, learn to play an instrument and read music.
32. Fictional female heroes include Nancy Drew and Wonder Woman.
33. I keep hoping the end of Little Women will change and Jo will end up with the boy next door.
34. My son is such much or a mini me it's uncanny (and exhausting).
35. I've never had coffee in my life; this energy is au natural. English Breakfast Tea is my fav go to and helps me start my day. #teaislife
36. I love quotes and have been collecting them since high school.
37. Giving gifts is the best. I love trying to figure out the right gift that really fits a person and who they are.
38. When I got married didn't want to give up my middle or maiden name because I am proud of my Nigerian heritage and they are a part of who I am. So I just added my husband's name and have two middle initials.
39. I would love to be a Make A Wish volunteer and wish granter one day.
40. I am looking forward to the adventures and surprises my 40th year has in store for me.